Some of the DCOC student videos

Dutch Course? Of course, Tiny Group!

Belmine from France

Dutch Course? Of course, for Medical professionals (BIG registration)!

Deborah from Italy

Dutch Course? Of course, Tiny Group!

Edu from Panama

Dutch Course? Of course, in company

for beginners 1!

Dutch Course? Of course, just for me!

Mariana from Argentina

Dutch Course? Of course,  for Primary & Pre-school Education professionals!

Shahima and Abdulnasir

Dutch Course? Of course, just for me!

Sara from Romania

Dutch Course? Of course, for Pre-school Education professionals!

Demet from Turkey

Amrutha from India

Dutch Course? Of Course, just for me!

Klaus from Germany

corporate private course

Tatiana from Kazakhstan

Dutch Course? Of Course, just for me!

Dutch Course? Of Course, just for me!

Silvia from Brazil

Alexander from France

Dutch Course?
Of Course, just for two of us!

Australia, Portugal, India, Mongolia, USA, Germany


Just for me


Dutch for Two of us!

Pavel from Russia 

Corporate intensive course

(50 new words per hour/ 8 hours per day)

Nicole from Germany

Individual private course

Elena from Russia

Individual private course